News Story
Coming to see Peter Pan in Croydon this Christmas?
Everything’s ready to make your day extra memorable. Bustling Christmas market, roasting chestnuts, hot chocolate, Box Park street food, Santa Claus in the Whitgift and a swashbuckling panto packed with fun for all the family.
Seen it before? Oh no you haven’t! This is a brand-new script and a show packed with a cast of larger-than-life characters from your favourite TV shows. Including Eastenders bad boy, Ricky Champ as Hook, children’s TV presenter and author Gemma Hunt as Tinkerbell, CBBC and Crackerjack’s Mark Rhodes as Smee and Channel 5 Milkshake! presenter David Ribi as Peter Pan.
The story begins years after Peter defeated the evil Captain Hook, thought to have been eaten by the clock-ticking, stalking crocodile. Oh no he wasn’t!
He miraculously escaped to a desert island and spent years in isolation plotting his revenge on Peter. Will his evil plan work?
With a generous sprinkling of fairy dust, crocodiles and flights of fancy, UK Productions’ MD Martin Dodd has spared nothing in creating an imaginative and fun new take on this timeless story. You’re in for a real treat.
“Peter Pan is such a fantastic story and we have completely refreshed it with this sequel which has all the magic of the original plus all the pantomime elements we know our audiences love – including special effects, laugh-out-loud comedy, great song and dance routines, and fabulous sets and costumes. Never will your Swash have been so Buckled so Hook your tickets today because the Croc is ticking!” Martin Dodd, Producer, UK Productions
Book now to get the best seats
Show opens Saturday 10 December, in the fabulously refurbished Ashcroft Theatre, with performances once or twice a day all the way through to New Year’s Eve, except for Christmas Day. Prices start at £15.00. To get the best seats, book early.
View seating plans and book tickets
Plan ahead for a great day out.
We’ve lots of options to get you here by bus, tram or train, leaving just a short walk to the theatre. If you bring your car, there’s plenty of parking at the back of the Fairfield Halls in the public car park.
Food and drink.
The Cube Café is a great place to get something to eat before the show. Sit down and relax with tea and cake or some lunch from our new menu.
In the foyer you can get slush. popcorn and other snacks to eat while you're watching the fabulous panto.
It’s been a while, but panto’s back, bigger and better than ever in Croydon. Oh yes it is!